Friday, August 13, 2010

Easy Flashcards

Recently i started designing flashcards and got an easy idea. Cut the cardboard of the desired size and put stickers. These stickers are easily available in markets and durable. They are mess free than the cut and paste books. They are attracting because of their colors.

Flashcards designs depends on various categories. They could be alphabets, numbers, vegetables and animals etc.

Monday, August 9, 2010

Sakshum updates...

In our 'Adopt A School' project ( Electricity connection is approved and meter has come to school. In a week lineman will come and fix the meter.
Toilet construction is also started last week and is in the final phase of completion.
After toilet construction wash area work will start in school.
We are planning to have a sports day on the occasion of independence day in school. We will another email with more details on this.
The environment day celebration planning are almost done and we will notify on volunteering to it soon.
We are in a process of setting up a library for the children. This will benefit the school children a lot.
We are working on teachers training to enhance their skills to teach the children in school.
We have got the estimates on number of notebooks required to distribute among children. We will inform on the date we will be doing it.